Q1: The robot built must be manual or fully-autonomous?
A: Robot must be built as wireless manual robot. Please be sure to provide additional frequency to avoid clashes.
Q2: What is the ball exact weight for the soccer robot tournament?
A: Weight of the ball that is going to be use in the competition is approximately 110g - 130g. To be precise, its a mini soccer ball/souvenir ball that easily can be found at any sports equipment shop.
Q3: How does the robot kick the ball?
A: Robot are permitted to make any physical contact with the ball such as tapping/hitting/ramming/in such ways that is permitted in the rule book.
Q4: What is the ball specifications?
A: The ball that is going to be use during the tournament is a souvenir type ball, size 1, 14 - 15cm in diameter, 110g-130g which can be found/purchased in normal sport equipment's shop.
Q5: During the game, can the robot push opponent's robot?
A: Yes, the robot can push opponent's robot during their attempt to win over the ball but subjected to referee decision as mentioned in the rule book, excessive pushing is considered a violations.
Some of participants wondering how the winner is selected for the next level of tournament. These are the clauses/criteria on how we select the winner in each group:
a) Number of wins - This is the primary criteria for a team to be selected in the next level of competition.
b) Number of goals - In case there are more than one team in the same group having the same number of wins, number of goals will decide the team that are able to compete on the next level or competition.
c) Number of violations - This is the third clause that the organizer going to implement if there are more than one team in the same group has the same number of goals.
d) Number of disqualification - The fourth criteria if the above criteria occurred.